Welcome to our new home renovation project! This is our first home purchase EVER so needless to say we are very excited, but also a little nervous because we have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.
Our plan is to renovate the house, pretty much from top to bottom. Since we will be living in the home, and both have full-time jobs, our time to renovate will be limited so we expect the project will be more of a slow burn. It is livable as-is, but it’s begging for some serious cosmetic updates!
Check out the details and photos below.

The kitchen…the most exciting part of this whole house because no matter what we do, we can’t make it worse! It has lots of potential, but also lots of clashing surfaces and styles going on — those need to go. There’s a brick chimney hiding behind the yellow brick road in the left corner, and I don’t think I can free it fast enough.
P.S. There are original hardwood underneath ALL of the floors that they have covered up with linoleum and cheap wood. We can’t wait to uncover those gems!

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